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Rags to Riches

Here’s the link to download Think and Grow Rich free, or you can grab the audios if you prefer to listen instead.

I look forward to your thoughts on Rags to Riches Storiesโ€ฆ


A Typical Monday Morning

Here’s what a typical Monday morning looks like in my home office as I kick off the week, which usually includes getting up well before sunrise… ๐Ÿ™‚

(Getting dressed for work means throwing on a hoodie – LOL)


Goal Setting

A quick chat on goal setting, and achieving goals, by being both consistent and persistent. Deciding what your true objectives are in life, is sometimes the hardest part…


Beach Break! Working Mobile…

Enjoying a working weekend with friends at the Diamondhead Beach Resort in Fort Myers, Florida. I love having a mobile online business, and friends all over the world! Discussing life goals, and what “Quality of Life” really means…


Are We Having Fun Yet? :-)

I would love to hear your feedback on the Vlog so far if you’ve been following along! Don’t feel like leaving a comment? Just click Like, +1, thumbs up or down, etc. ๐Ÿ˜‰ As for me, I’m having a blast!! Stay tuned too, MUCH more to come on this Video Blog…


Procrastination Strategies That Work

Procrastination Strategies that work (for me, at least!). Of course, distraction is another story altogether, as you’ll see in the video. LOL…


Video Blogging Questions

Why I chose to start a personal video blog (aka vlog), and answers to some of your (great!) questions about the why & how… I look forward to hearing your comments! ๐Ÿ˜‰